You know how sometimes companies who sell electronics and give them a good warranty or guarantee they do little things so that if whatever you come in needing fixed was caused by accidental damage done by you, instead of a hardware failure they can make you pay? Like for this example, cell phones that you have dropped in a puddle will show it with a little sticker that changes colors, usually next to the battery cover.
Well the iPhone and iPod Touch have those too, its just a lot harder to find unless you know where it is. Look down your headphone jack on either of those devices, and at the bottom of that well, you’ll see the sticker.
I am sure there are ways to circumvent it, but at the same time, its kind of crappy of them to put it in a place where a single drop of rain could cause it to change, but not cause any damage to the rest of the phone. Maybe if they hadn’t sealed the rest of the phone away from easy access they could have put it somewhere more practical. Regardless, you now know you can’t play off that canoe trip you took with your iPhone as a hardware malfunction, so don’t try it.
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